Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Wiki

This computer is located inside the Chateau Hotel.


The home page is titled "Anarch Stronghold".


The section is titled "Email for Steward". The passwrod is "pearl ".

[1] The Sabbat are here[]

<Subject> The Sabbat are here
<From> Isaac Abrams
Rumor has it that the Sabbat are infiltrating Los Angeles. I'll get you more information when I can.

[2] Re: The Sabbat are here[]

<Subject> Re: The Sabbat are here
<From> Isaac Abrams
It is confirmed. They are located in the subway tunnel off the sewers.

[3] Re: The Sabbat are here[]

<Subject> Re: The Sabbat are here
<From> Isaac Abrams
I found someone to clean them out of the underground. They dealt with the Gargoyle too and that wasn't even connected to the Sabbat.

[4] Nines Rodriguez[]

<Subject> Nines Rodriguez
<From> Isaac Abrams
Nines has been seriously wounded while fighting a werewolf I have guaranteed to keep him safe so defend the hotel at all cost!


The section is titled "Information about the Sabbat". The passwrod is "important".

  • sabbat 1 - We suspect the Sabbat have taken over the old Asian Theater, and placed a Gargoyle to guard it.
  • sabbat 2 - The Gargoyle seems to be nearly impervious to firearms. Perhaps a blunt instrument would be more effective.

