Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Wiki

This computer can be accessed at the Ground 0 internet café. It contains an argument between the user, 2pacula and two other gamers, Thrillho and Sethiroph. The conversations follow the pattern of stereotypical early 2000's video game culture.  



The section is titled "Email for 2Pacula". The passwrod is "shizzle ".

[1] 2mack3d D0wn[]

<Subject> 2mack3d D0wn
<From> Sethiroph@SOL.vtm
Dud3, my Prussians totally rushed your Francs last night in Eurocraft. Playing tonight? Also, that girl that sits next to me in science talked to me today! She totally wants me to do her.

[2] RE: Your Mom[]

<Subject> RE: Your Mom
<From> Sethiroph@SOL.vtm
No, dud3, your mom!

[3] RE: Your Mom[]

<Subject> RE: Your Mom
<From> Sethiroph@SOL.vtm

[4] Hot Pron[]

<Subject> Hot Pron
<From> Sethiroph@SOL.vtm
PSYCHE! Your mom.

[5] WTF?[]

<Subject> WTF?
<From> Thrillho@SOL.vtm
What are you doing to me, 2Pacula? I said cover me, not die like a little bitch. One more fubar and you're out of the clan!

[6] GOODS[]

<Subject> GOODS
<From> Sethiroph@SOL.vtm
I just straight snatched the new Troika game. If you haxxor the code you can unlock clan Chocula!

