This computer is located in the Network Operations office at the Kamikazi Zen in Chinatown during the quest A Tangled Web.
The home page is titled "Kamikazi Zen: Network Operations".
Net Security[]
The section is titled "NETWORK CONTROL HUB: Available Connections". The passwrod is "nirvana".
- schrecknet
After running the command, the following message from Mitnick appears:
"hub activated - You'd best do your job and get the fuck out of there, newbie.
Tick-tock.... Need help? If so, find the office of a guy named Rob Nesler... I'm logged in there and will see what I can do for you. Otherwise, you're on your own.
Thanks, kid and take care of yourself out there. >m1tn1ck<"
The section is titled "Available Connections". The passwrod is "nippelhcs".
- unlock - Vault is unlocked
- lock - Vault is locked