- 1999
- 22 Steps
- 36 Hours
- 609 King's Way
- ABC - Always Be Closing
- A Bounty for the Hunter
- A Confession
- A Dish Best Served Cold
- A Plague for the Angels
- A Severed Arm
- A Smaller God
- A Tangled Web
- Abandoned Hospital
- Abel
- Abrams Golden Age Jewelry
- Abrams Jewelry, Inc. computer
- Adam Dunsirn
- Adithya
- Aftermath
- Akeem
- Alec Cross
- Ammo
- Anarch
- Anarch Movement
- Anarch Revolt
- And Her Name Was Venus
- Andrei
- Animalism
- Ankaran Sarcophagus
- Antediluvian
- Antique Locket
- Apple
- Appointment book
- Archbishop
- Ariana
- Armor
- Art of the Quick-Draw by Ned Nederlander
- Arthur Kilpatrick
- Arturo
- Ash Rivers
- Ash Rivers' fan
- Ash Rivers lookalike
- Ash to Ashes
- Asian Theater
- Asp Hole
- Asp Hole Blood Doll
- Astrolite
- Asylum Blood Doll
- Atrium
- Attention Whore
- Auspex
- Auspex (Bloodlines 2)
- B-Rated Writer
- Bad Blood
- Bad Blood (song)
- Bad Luck Farmer
- Bad Luck Talisman
- Bad Monkey No Banana
- Bail Bond
- Bambi
- Barabus
- Baron
- Baron of Aurora
- Barony
- Bart
- Baseball Bat
- Baton
- Beach House
- Beach House computer
- Beast
- Beast Courts
- Beckett
- Believe
- Bertram Tung
- Bertram Tung's computer
- Bishop
- Bishop Vick
- Blind Woman
- Blood Bond
- Blood Doll
- Blood Guardian
- Blood Hunt
- Blood Pack
- Blood Points
- Blood Pool
- Bloodbuff
- Bloodheal
- Bloodline
- Bloodlines
- Bloodlines Antitribu
- Bloodstar
- Bloody Mess
- Book of Nod
- Boris Checkov
- Braddock 9mm
- Braid Talisman
- Breakdown
- Brian Mitsoda
- Brian Nilson
- Broadsword
- Brokk 17c
- Brother Kanker
- Brotherhood Flyer
- Brotherhood of the 9th Circle
- Brotherhood of the 9th Circle Girl
- Brothers Salvage
- Brothers Salvage (card)
- Brujah
- Bruno Giovanni
- Bush Hook
- Business Card
- Bustin' It: Harmful if Swallowed Hint Book
- Butch Rider
- C. Moore's Coffee laptop
- CEG Electric computer
- Cab Driver
- Cain
- Caine
- Cainite
- Caitiff
- Cal
- Calling Dr. Grout
- Camarilla
- Candi
- Car Stereo
- Carnival of Death
- Carson
- Carson's laptop
- Cavoletti Café
- Cecelia Giovanni
- Celerity
- Celerity (Bloodlines 2)
- Chantry
- Character Creation Wizard
- Character Sheet
- Characters
- Chastity
- Chateau Hotel computer
- Childe
- Chinatown
- Chiropteran
- Christopher Giovanni
- Chunk's Brother
- Cindi
- Claira Killenbach
- Clan
- Clan Curse
- Clan Quest Mod
- Cleopatra
- Clipboard
- Colt Anaconda
- Come Alive
- Come Into My Parlor
- Companion Mod
- Computers for Grandma
- Confession
- Confession Blood Doll
- Court
- Cover Girl
- Crackhouse
- Creepy Green Light
- Crossbow
- D. Falz
- D. Marsh
- D. Perry
- Daimonori
- Dale Talley
- Damsel
- Danielle
- Danny Boyle
- David Hatter
- Daydream Believer
- Dead Ex
- Dementation
- Dementation (Bloodlines 2)
- Dennis
- Devil's Brand Tattoo
- Diablerie
- Dialogue for Asylum Blood Doll
- Dialogue for Beckett
- Dialogue for Brian Nilson
- Dialogue for Cal
- Dialogue for Copper
- Dialogue for Dennis
- Dialogue for Doris
- Dialogue for E
- Dialogue for Julius
- Dialogue for Kerri
- Dialogue for Kiki
- Dialogue for Knox
- Dialogue for Lily
- Dialogue for Malcolm St. Martin
- Dialogue for Ming Xiao
- Dialogue for Misti
- Dialogue for Phil
- Dialogue for Red Dragon Blood Doll(F)
- Dialogue for Rosa
- Dialogue for Sebastian
- Dialogue for Shu
- Dialogue for Southland Slasher
- Dialogue for Tseng
- Dialogue for Un-Named Male Blood Doll
- Dialogue for Zhao
- Diary
- Dima
- Dirty Dishes
- Discipline
- Domain
- Dominate
- Dominate (Bloodlines 2)
- Dominic
- Doomsayer
- Doris
- Douglas Streets
- Downtown
- Dr. Alistair Grout
- Dr. D. Roberts
- Dr. E. Bill
- Dr. Ingvar Johansen
- Dr. K. Thornton
- Dr. Malcolm St. Martin's computer
- Dragon's Breath
- Dragon's Tail
- Driver's License
- Drug Box
- Drug Trip
- E. Bankins
- Easter Eggs
- Ed
- Ed Jr.
- Elder
- Electric Uncle Sam
- Elif Parmak
- Elizabeth Dane
- Elizabeth Dane computer
- Elizabethan Rendezvous
- Elysium
- Embrace
- Empire Arms Hotels
- Empire Arms Hotels computer
- Explosive Beginning
- Eye Gouge Hell
- Eyes
- Faction
- Fae Charm
- Fancy Ring
- Fancy Watch
- Fat Larry
- Fetish Statue
- Final Death
- Final Nights
- Fire Axe
- Fitzsimmons
- Flamethrower
- Fledgling
- Fleshy Ball
- Flora Axel
- Flynn Boyle
- Fortitude
- Fortitude (Bloodlines 2)
- Foxy Boxes
- Foxy Boxes Key
- Fragmentation Grenade
- Fred Dingo
- Frenzy
- Fu Syndicate
- Fu Syndicate Primary Server computer
- Fu Syndicate Research Division computer
- Fu Syndicate Security computer
- Fun With Pestilence
- G. Abobo
- Galdjum
- Gallery Noir
- Gangrel
- Gargoyle
- Gargoyle Removal Service
- Gary Golden
- Gehenna
- Gehenna cult
- Generation
- Georgia Welch's computer
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Gimble's Prosthetics
- Ginger Swan
- Giovanni
- Giovanni Stronghold
- Girl's Photo
- Glaze
- God
- Going the Way of Kings
- Gold Ring
- Golden Oceans Fish Market
- Golden Temple
- Gomez
- Gone Fishin'
- Great Flood
- Greg
- Griffith Park
- Ground 0
- Ground 0 Login: 2Pacula
- Ground 0 Login: Josef K
- Ground 0 Login: UcutieU
- Grout's Mansion
- Grünfeld Bach
- Guilty
- Guy Magazine, Spring Edition
- Hallowbrook Hotel
- Hannah Glazer
- Hardsuit Labs
- Haven
- Hazel Tomes
- Heart of Eliza
- Heather Poe
- Hell at the Hallowbrook Hotel
- Hengeyōkai
- Hernandez
- Hinterland
- Hollywood
- Hollywood Celebrity Database
- Hollywood Forever Cemetery
- Holmes
- Horror Tape
- Hot Stripper Assassin Action!
- Hotel
- Human
- Humanity
- Hunter
- Hunters Hunting
- I Spy Barabus
- I Want to Kill You
- Igor
- Imalia
- Isaac Abrams
- Isolated
- Italian Dinner
- J. Doe
- Jacobson
- Jaegerspas XV
- Jaime Sue
- Jeanette Voerman's laptop
- Jeff Miller
- Jesse
- Jezebel Locke
- Ji Wen Ja