Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Wiki

The Administration computer is located on the first floor of the Santa Monica Medical Clinic, adjacent to Malcolm's office and contains the clinic's personnel and other confidential information.


The home page is titled "Administration Offices - Danny Boyle, Administrator".


The section is titled "Email for DBoyle". The password is "lakers".

[1] A little help[]

<Subject> A little help
<From> Fred Dingo
Hey, Danny. I could use a little help down here. Can you go up to Controlled Substances for some morphine? I'm pretty busy right now. Thanks. F-Dog.

[2] Re: yo mama []

<Subject> Re: yo mama
<From> Fred Dingo
No, it's not for my personal use, you bastard.... :) I didn't know they were out upstairs. Maybe you can get some in Malcolm's office. BTW, your mother wears combat boots. F-dog.

[3] Re: amnesia []

<Subject> Re: amnesia
<From> Fred Dingo
Oh, shit! That's cold. But I'll make sure to knock before I go in. I'd hate to catch him in the middle of a "pelvic examination". And by the way... tell your mom to stop calling me. F-dog.

[4] Strange blood sample []

<Subject> Strange blood sample
<From> Fred Dingo
Hey, Danny. We received an interesting blood sample from someone over at the Sun. I guess some freak told them it was "werewolf" blood. Can you believe that shit? Anyway, they're paying us to run the numbers, so could you do it on your next shift? Many thanks. F-Dog.

5] Re: blood test[]

<Subject> Re: blood test
<From> Fred Dingo
How the hell am I supposed to know what you're testing for? Get creative.... :) It's really not a big deal, but just see if there's anything strange about it. F-dog.

6] Re: where is it? []

<Subject> Re: where is it?
<From> Fred Dingo
Oh yeah, sorry. The sample is in the electronic cabinet in Controlled Substances. BTW, you down for some hoops this weekend? F-dog.

7] Re: you’re on thin ice[]

<Subject> Re: you're on thin ice
<From> Fred Dingo
Jesus! Do you know anything? I had Phil change the password a few hours ago. The new password is the name of Malcolm's dirty little secret. Ooops!!! Did I say that? You better delete this thing when you're done reading it! See you at the park on Saturday morning. F-dog.


The section is titled "Confidential Information". The password is "lakers".

  • Phil Flabottomus - Phil Flabottomus is a loyal employee, and a hard worker, but seems to have various digestive tract abnormalities which, unfortunately, result in an increased rate of flatulence. The smell of these phenomena is nothing short of horrendous. It seems we may have to do something about him.
  • Dr. E. Bill - Dr. Bill has worked as this clinic's internal wrangler since 1999.
  • Malcolm St. Martin - Malcolm St. Martin is our night shift senior physician.
  • Dr. Roberts - Has never lost a patient. No one can succeed like Dr. Roberts.
  • K. Thornton - Several malpractice suits filed against him for unnecessary gynecology. Suggest termination.

See Also[]
