Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Wiki
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Sean Milton is a character appearing in Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. He was a thief and a murderer, and one of the victims of the Southland Slasher.


Sean Milton was a small-time thief, stealing cars. In 2001 or 2002, he was involved in a botched car robbery with Mike Durbin and another two accomplices that resulted in the death of a young family. At some point after that, Milton relocated himself to Downtown, Los Angeles, at the apartment number 2 of Skyeline Apartments.

In 2004, Milton and his partner Durbin tried to do a two-men job for an unknown person who invited them in a derelict building across The Last Round bar. There, the Slasher brutally murdered Milton. Durbin escaped with his life only for some time, until he was found and killed in Hollywood.


Milton could kill a family for getting in the way of a robbery. He was described as a slob, who didn't get many women.

See Also[]


The Protagonist BrujahGangrelMalkavianNosferatuToreadorTremereVentrue
Major AndreiBeckettCab DriverDr. Ingvar JohansenGrünfeld BachMing XiaoNines RodriguezSebastian LaCroixSmiling JackThe Sheriff
Supporting Bertram TungGary GoldenHeather PoeIsaac AbramsMaximillian StraussMercurioTherese and Jeanette Voerman
Minor Adam DunsirnArthur KilpatrickAsh RiversBarabusBishop VickBoris CheckovBrian NilsonBrother KankerBruno GiovanniCalCarsonChastityChristopher GiovanniCopperDamselDanielleDavid HatterDennisDorisDr. Alistair GroutEEdEd Jr.Fat LarryFlynn BoyleGinger SwanGomezHannah GlazerIgorImaliaJezebel LockeJi Wen JaJohnnyJuliusJumblesKent Alan RyanKerriKikiKnox HarringtonLilyLu FangMalcolm St. MartinMaria RosseliniMarian MuriettaMcGeeMike "Muddy" DurbinMira GiovanniMistiMitnickMr. OxNadia MillinerOcean House VictimOfficer AndersonOfficer ChunkOfficer HeinzOfficer MarshPaigePattyPaul AndersonPhilPishaRickyRolf TotenRomeroRosaSamanthaShuSimon MilliganSkelterSlaterSouthland SlasherStanley GimbleSweeperTawni SessionsThe CathayanThe Chang BrothersThe Deb of NightThe MandarinTiffanyTin Can BillTommy FlaytonTrina St. MartinTripTsengVandal CleaverVelvet VelourVenus DareVictor GiovanniVirgil CrumbWong HoYukieZhaoZygaenaSire (character)The GargoyleKalliyanWerewolfUn-Named Lasombra