Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Wiki
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Wiki
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You shouldn't have this! But now you do.
―In-game description
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The player holding the sword (Unofficial Patch Plus)

The Sheriff's sword is a melee weapon in Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. It is used by LaCroix's Sheriff as his main weapon in combat. It is massive, several meters long and very wide.


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The Sheriff's Sword cannot be acquired through normal means in the base game, and the player can only get it if they use the console and enter the command "give item_w_sheriff_sword". Even after the boss fight with the sheriff, he will not drop the sword and it cannot be found in any other place in the game, nor is it given to you by any character/NPC. In the Unofficial Patch Plus, however, it can be acquired from the Sheriff after the first stage of the boss fight in which the Sheriff is in his regular form.
