Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Wiki
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Wiki

Simon Milligan's computer is located on the first floor, upstairs on top of his desk. Accessing this computer references existing locations in the game and provides some insight into some of his work which includes Hospital Horror, which is likely the episode in which one of Simon's crew members was killed by Pisha during the filming at the Abandoned Hospital.


The home page is titled "Haunted LA - Simon Milligan".


The section is titled "Email for EGon". The password is "ectoplasm ".

[1] I <3 Haunted LA[]

<Subject> I <3 Haunted LA
<From> Fanboy McGee
Haunted LA is like the greated show evar! I totally am gonna visit all the places you talk about!!1 Hey! You should go 2 this one hoetl I stayed at one time in palm springs i swear it was haunted. The ghost kept turning on the sink faucet! Maybe he had OCD about washing his hands LOL!!!

[2] Holy shit, YOU SUCK!!![]

<Subject> Holy shit, YOU SUCK!!!
<From> Angry Guy with Strong Opinions
Haunted LA my ass! Even if there were such a thing as ghosts and shit, which there ain't, there's no fucking way a god damned werewolf could be hanging out in Griffith Park. Just who in the hell do you think you're fooling? It's not even as if we have real fucking wolves around here for it to hide out with. I hope you get eaten by some flesh-eating monster, you stupid bastard!


The section is titled "Locations and Plans". No password needed.

Show 17 : Hospital Horror[]

Show 17: Hospital Horror. A dilapidated hospital in the downtown area, this place is very spooky. Minimal work required, the place is scary as hell. We'll say it's the ghost of a nurse who feels as if she still has patients to serve.

Show 18: Eternal Unrest []

Show 18: Eternal Unrest. There's a cemetery in Hollywood. It's full of actors with more than just dead careers. Again, it shouldn't take much effort on our part.
